Using Your Support System

It isn’t easy to stay motivated, reach your goals, and deal with daily stresses at work and at home. The good thing is — you don’t have to do it all alone. With a little help from a solid group of friends, your team at work, and other members of your social network — doing the hard things in life becomes a lot easier. 

Having people who will support you and help you along your path can play a big role in your success. Right now, you are trying to accomplish important things in your life, which is difficult. Don’t be afraid to seek different kinds of support from the people around you. Of course, good relationships are never a one-way street, so pass along the good vibes and give support to others too. Remember that you have a whole team of people at work who want you to succeed!

Here are the types of support it is good to have from people in your life: 

  • Information & Advice Support: Having people who can give you solid advice if you are facing a difficult or complicated situation can help you make better decisions. They will provide guidance, advice, information and mentorship. This support is super important when you are making decisions. 
  • Emotional Support: Having someone who can listen to you, be a shoulder to cry on, and celebrate your wins is important. It’s good to have someone that you know will have your back. 
  • Helping Hands Support: Having people who can help you with daily tasks or life events when you feel sick or need extra assistance goes a long way. 
  • Group Support: This type of support means you are part of a group where you feel like you belong. This could be your family, a team at work, a spiritual community, or a sports team. Being part of a group with a common goal is empowering. 


  1. Of the types of support, which type of support could you use more of? Which type of support do you have the most of?  
  2. If you don’t have a support system right now, what steps can you take to start building one? 
  3. How can you act as a better support system for someone? What kinds of support are you best at giving to others? 
  4. How can you show support for others at work? How could finding and giving support at work help your team? 
