Why Wearing PPE Is So Important
Your PPE gear may not be your favorite fashion accessory, but it might be the most important thing you wear each day. PPE stands for “Personal Protective Equipment.” Basically, PPE is special equipment you wear that is designed to protect you from injuries and harsh elements. Different jobs require different kinds of PPE, but regardless of the exact job you’re doing, your gear is an essential part of showing up ready for the day.
Wearing your PPE is all about you and protecting your health, your well-being, and your career.
Here’s how you can stay safe with your PPE:
- Keep a mental checklist: Keep a mental checklist of what PPE you need to wear for your job. Before you head to work, run through the mental checklist of PPE gear to make sure you are wearing everything you need to stay safe.
- Know how to wear your gear: For your PPE to protect you effectively, you’ll need to make sure you’re wearing all of your gear correctly. If you’re unsure of how an item of PPE should be worn, ask your leader for assistance.
- Be aware of your surroundings: PPE is a crucial part of staying safe, but so is being aware of your surroundings. By being aware of what is going on around you, you can actively avoid accidents and ensure your PPE is in good working condition at all times.
- Take pride in your PPE: PPE may not be stylish, but it is a great way to demonstrate your professionalism. Taking an active role in your safety shows you care about your health, safety, and career — and that’s something to be proud of.
- Have you ever forgotten to wear PPE when you were doing a task? If so, how can you ensure you don’t forget to wear it in the future?
- Do you know how to properly wear all of your required PPE?
- Do you know someone who has been injured as a result of not wearing the correct PPE?
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